Tuition and Fees
Open Registration: March 11, 2024 for all families
Tuition Fee for 2024-2025 includes curriculum and one GFA T-shirt.
New Students: $52.00 application fee per student
$150.00 due upon acceptance
Returning Students: $100.00 per student (February 1- March 10)
$150.00 (starting March 11)
*Tuition fee is non-refundable.
Yearly Tuition: $7280.00
per month (August 1-May 1) $728.00
Discounts for PS/PK & Kindergarten only:
Sibling: 10% for one student per family
Church member: 10% per child
Late fee of $35 after the 15th of the month for each month the account is past due
ESA late fee of $75 if invoice is not submitted by invoice due date.
Partners in Education
Part of our mission at Grace Fellowship Academy is to partner with families as we educate students with whom we have been entrusted. Families are needed in the partnering process in order for GFA to function at a high level of efficiency. Each is needed to assist in this process. Although we realize that many families in the school are already volunteering and assisting in their children’s education, we need every family to assist in this effort.
Along with the payment of tuition, we ask that each K-8 GFA family volunteer 10 hours per semester. These hours can be used in classroom assistance, special projects, fundraisers, cleaning, etc. Any unfulfilled hours will be billed at a rate of $10 per hour at the end of each semester.
Your child can have a
Christian education at
Grace Fellowship Academy
for little to no cost to you!
Check out our scholarships page
for more information!